About Us

Welcome to Saffrons Boxes!

Saffrons Boxes is a lifestyle and wellbeing brand that produces hand packed luxury gift, care and duo boxes. We are a family run business founded by mother and daughter in the busy bustling city of London.

Our aim is to create beautiful gift boxes which are filled with unique and high-quality products.

The idea of the boxes came after a search for a gift for our loved one, who was going through a difficult time and we really just wanted to send her a gift that not only said that we were thinking about her but also allowed her to have that much needed relaxation time. We couldn’t find anything. Sure, there are loads of gift companies out there but we couldn’t find anything which had a selection of high-quality products promoting wellbeing and mood enhancement (and for an affordable price).

So, we decide to make our own. We put together a selection of items which offered her relaxation and indulgence all in one. She absolutely loved it! This is when we realised that this could be a great idea and from there, a bright idea was developed in to a small business.

Mindfulness and wellbeing is at the centre of our hearts, it is important that both, during times of celebration and also challenging moments in life, that we support those around us. If you have a family member, friend or colleague in need of some TLC, one of Saffrons Boxes is the perfect way to show your love.

Our gorgeous gift, care and duo boxes are lovingly wrapped, arranged in one of our stylish gift boxes and all gifts are personalised with one of our beautiful greeting cards. Each box is made from the heart with specially selected goodies that are then delivered to your loved ones. Saffrons Boxes has a box for everyone occasion, giving every receiver a moment of indulgence and self-care.